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CV Csicsvari

1.     General Information

a)    Csicsvari, Jozsef, Prof. Dr.

b)   Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Am Campus 1, A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria,

2.     Academic Education

Informatics (09/1988 – 05/1993), Technical University Budapest (Hungary), Diploma in Informatics


3.     Scientific degrees

PhD in Behavioral and Neural Sciences, Rutgers University (USA), 1999, Prof. Dr. G. Buzsáki


4.     Professional experience

a)  02/1999 - 12/2002, Postdoctoral Researcher, Rutgers University, USA, 1999, Prof. Dr. G Buzsáki

b) 01/2003 - 08/2008, Tenure-track Group Leader, MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, University of Oxford, UK

c) 08/2008 - 05/2011, Tenured Group Leader, MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit, University of Oxford, UK

d)    Since 06/2011, Full-Professor, Systems Neuroscience, Institute of   Science and Technology Austria


5.     Others (Editorial work, Member of scientific councils, advisory boards, awards)

2010 Title of Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Oxford (UK)

2011 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant

2011, 2012 Member of the French ANR (National Research Agency) Neuroscience Grant Committee

2016 Cajal course co-director, “The Hippocampus: from Circuits to Cognition” in Bordeaux

Regular ad hoc reviewer for journals such as Nature, Science, Nature     Neuroscience, Neuron

Reviewer for funding schemes: HFSP, Welcome Trust, MRC(UK), BBSRC(UK)


6.     Five most important publications


O’Neill J, Boccara CN, Stella F, Schoenenberger P, Csicsvari J (2017) Superficial Layers of the Medial Entorhinal Cortex Replay Independent of the Hippocampus, Science, 355: 184-188.

Schoenenberger P, O’Neill J, Csicsvari J (2016) Activity-dependent plasticity of hippocampal place maps, Nature Communications, 7:11824. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11824.

Dupret D, O'Neill J & Csicsvari J (2013) Dynamic reconfiguration of hippocampal interneuron circuits during spatial learning, Neuron, 78:166-80.

Dupret D, O’Neill J, Pleydell-Bouverie B, Csicsvari J  (2010) The reorganization and reactivation of hippocampal maps predict spatial memory performance. Nature Neurosci 13:995-1002.

O’Neill J, Senior TJ, Allen K, Huxter JR, Csicsvari J (2008) Reactivation of experience-dependent cell assembly patterns in the hippocampus. Nature Neurosci 11:209-215.



Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg



Prof. Dr. Imre Vida

NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence

Institut für Integrative Neuroanatomie

Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Philippstraße 12

10115 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Peer Wulff

Physiologisches Institut

Universität Kiel

Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 5

24118 Kiel


Dagmar Sonntag

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg

Tel: +49(761) 203-67310

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