Sie sind hier: Startseite Projects


TP1 Bartos
Mechanisms underlying dentate gyrus interneuron plasticity and their role in controlling population activity in vivo
TP2 Geiger
The role of interneuron plasticity in the generation of fast local network oscillations
TP3 Vida
GABAB receptor-mediated regulation of synaptic plasticity in interneurons
TP4 Kulik
Subcellular distribution and dynamics of neurotransmitter receptors and Cav channels in interneuron plasticity
TP5 Wulff
The impact of interneuron plasticity on engram and memory formation in the hippocampus
TP6 Poulet
The role of interneuron plasticity in the inhibitory control of reaching
TP7 Csicsvari
Mechanisms underlying hippocampal interneuron plasticity and their role in population activity in vivo
TP8 Diester
The role of parvalbumin positive interneuron activity and plasticity in the prefrontal cortex for movement control
TP9 Sprekeler
Computational consequences of interneuron plasticity

Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg



Prof. Dr. Imre Vida

NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence

Institut für Integrative Neuroanatomie

Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Philippstraße 12

10115 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Peer Wulff

Physiologisches Institut

Universität Kiel

Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 5

24118 Kiel


Dagmar Sonntag

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg

Tel: +49(761) 203-67310

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