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Current Events for FOR2143


Event KickOff-Meeting (Freiburg, from 24.03.2015 10:00 to 24.03.2015 17:00)
Event DPG Symposium Lübeck (Lübeck, Germany, from 03.03.2016 09:00 to 05.03.2016 18:00)
Event FENS Satellite 2016 (Copenhagen, Denmark, from 01.07.2016 11:00 to 01.07.2016 18:00)
Event SFN Mini-Symposium 2017 (Washington, DC, USA, from 15.11.2017 08:30 to 15.11.2017 11:00)
Event FENS Satellite 2018 (from 06.07.2018 12:00 to 06.07.2018 19:00)
Cracking the code: from structural connectomics to neuronal synchrony"
Event RU 2143- General Meeting 2018 (Berlin, Charité, from 07.07.2018 09:00 to 07.07.2018 18:00)
Event Inhibition in the CNS 2019 - Gordon Research Conference (from 07.07.2019 00:00 to 12.07.2019 00:00)
Event RU 2143- General Meeting 2019 (Freiburg, from 20.07.2019 09:00 to 20.07.2019 18:00)
Event Symposium "Neuronal representation - from synapses & microcircuits to behavior" (Freiburg, from 30.12.2020 23:00 to 30.12.2020 23:00)

Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg



Prof. Dr. Imre Vida

NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence

Institut für Integrative Neuroanatomie

Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Philippstraße 12

10115 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Peer Wulff

Physiologisches Institut

Universität Kiel

Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 5

24118 Kiel


Dagmar Sonntag

Physiologisches Institut I

Universität Freiburg

Hermann-Herder-Str. 7

79104 Freiburg

Tel: +49(761) 203-67310

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